volara: session 9 notes

We have a party name. We will call ourselves 'Moment's End'. Though, I cannot remember why we decided this. But it sounds very badass & really cool.

I have also begun referring to ourselves as 'Shiny Golden Gods' now that our power and abilities have grown. (This is largely because I find it hilarious to temp fate.)

After the battle of the Forge, we discussed where to turn our attention as there were a number of items on our todo list.

Once outside of the Forge, however, Clovie informed us that a masked man & a tiefling woman were asking to speak with us. We talked with them and learned things:

  • Tiefling is Vanessa, the sexy sidekick, in the Choir

  • Masked man is Lord Nocturne, Sliver of Infinity, Emperor of Volara, Head of the Choir 1209 years old

    • Masked man has been in River's visions and calls him Josephca

    • He seems pretty calm and pretty evil

    • He wants to know why River's killed Helginash

    • He seems to be a mix of Celestial and Undead

    • Tyvor, previous Emperor of Volar was struck down by Nocturne

    • Power of the Well of Ascension was taken by Nocturne

    • The Shadow Torch is at the Edge (This is the other ROOT needed to combine with the Sun Medallion)

  • We probably learned other stuff, but that's all I could write down.

(Randomly, another fact I remembered from my time on the rooftop in Silverlight is that Ati is an East Asian looking human with hipster red hair and astral eyes.)

Rivers used some magic to understand all languages and translated something he saw on the wall in the forge: 'The power & the mind seek different goals, divide.' Rivers also remembered from one of his visions something about a forged connection between "him and his sister" (Ati and Leera? my notes are shite.) lead to weakened power & conflict with mind.

With the help of Clovie's thicc booty, the party lured the corrupt guards, that were harassing Ruby Rose, back to the butcher shop where they got butchered by us.

The party then did some shopping & praying / meditating in the "Religious Quarter." Before heading out into the world and finally leaving the city of Mirona.

And so, Moment's End finally took their leave, but Curie remained behind. He has officially left the party. It was a sad moment. He will send letters to Catomera and Vinewind to communicate with us when we reach the southern half of the world. (Which by the way is where the party is headed.)

I would like to note the party has gained a new member in that of Kilfras's sister, Clovie. She is a cleric and will help keep us alive upon the eventuality that we make some terrible decisions.

And so, yes, the party has decided to head to the shores of the South lands. There seem to be many things hinting to us to head that way. The winds are in our favor, as they say.

As we travel to the dock city of Balmoral, we head through the Suloa Woods, home of Kilfras and Clovie. The moons are close in alignment now. The last time they aligned, the cycle ended.

Clovie had a vision: Something big is happening...a woman with blue hair (Leera?)...She speaks of the Well of Ascension. She says something like, "To save Volara, the power of the Well must be preserved." (I believe there may be more to this vision, but my notes are lacking.)

The party ran into a couple of stoner bards. Fairwin an elf and Thranier a dwarf. They seemed very chill. A song they played gave us insight: "Destructive and beautiful...put together and you get something harmonious."

At some point a giant hawk tried to kill us and one of us rode on top of it (was it Zori or Rivers? I waited too long to write these notes out.) Somehow the party was able to get this bird to crash down onto the ground and it basically splattered everywhere. So we thought we were the shit and really awesome.

Finally, the party came to an area in the woods where an old statue of Kai-Ralara stood. Although the Divine was bowing to another statue. The other statue, unfortunately, was completely eroded (or destroyed) leaving only the feet.