

My name is Zori. I am a Ghostwise hin (halfling) of clan Inima Salbatica, but you could say “Wild-Heart” in the common tongue. I am skilled in the art of combat as was taught to me by a traveling monk, Master Adrie. I am also pretty good at reading people and seeing the potential in them.

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I am traveling with a group of adventures after parting ways from Master Adrie in Kathur. I have only known the party for a short while, but I can already tell we are destined for some great adventures. My new friends, are as follows:

The world of Volara is cold now, but it turns to Spring soon. We traveled with a family, to the town of Twin Orchards. They hired us as an escort. There is a Spring celebration happening known as the Greengrass Festival. The family Peyton, Willa, & Harena seem like very nice people. Harena makes an amazing beer called Citra Ass Down Ale.

I can't belive we are here.
The world doesn't know what is going to happend to it.
I am tired and I want to go to sleep - someone



Here's how to make a list:

  1. First thing
  2. Second thing
  3. Third thing
Firstname Lastname Age
Dude Dudeman 69
Poop Smith 100
Poop Smith 100
Poop Smith 100
Poop Smith 100